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Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal

Cemetery Project

Memorializing the Jewish families who walked in our midst

Baron de Hirsch - De la Savane Cemetery


Baron de Hirsch Back River Eternal Gardens Kehal Israel Mount Pleasant Shaar Hashomayim Spanish & Portuguese Mount Royal

The Baron de Hirsch - De la Savane Cemetery is located about five miles from downtown Montreal. The cemetery is located just east of the juncture of the Decarie Autoroute (15) and The TransCanada Autoroutes (40). For additional information, contact The Baron de Hirsch - De la Savane Cemetery, 5015 rue de la Savane, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4P 1V1, Tel: 514-735-4696, Fax 514-735-4698, Email: bdh@barondehirsch.com Website: barondehirsch.com

Baron de Hirsch - Entrance


Burial Data and Photos

On behalf of the Baron de Hirsch Cemetery, the Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal submitted a full listing of all De la Savane burials to the JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry - JOWBR with a searchable online database. Alan Greenberg formatted and submitted the first burial data to JOWBR in 2006, updated in 2012. Gary Perlman began photographing the cemetery in 2017, submitting 5-10,000 burial records to JOWBR twice a year. Many volunteers have contributed their time (in many cases, many days) to adding photos and data to our records. Their names are included in the acknowledgements section of section overviews. At JewishGen, Nolan Altman and volunteers have integrated our data and photos into JOWBR.

Photographs of burials have also been provided by:

Photo-editing help has been provided by:

Translation assistance has been provided by:

Data validation assistance has been provided by:


Map # Section Overview Burials Status
D8 Adath Israel #1 Old D8 508 online 2019-04
C17 Adath Israel #3 C17 459 online 2018-06
A4 Adath Israel New #2 A4 1273 online 2018-06
B11 Ahavath David B11 352 online 2021-01
E28 Ahavath Schulom Ext. E28 123 online 2019-07
B12 Ahavath Schulom New B12 0 empty
C24 Ahavath Schulom Old C24 399 online 2017-12
B7 Anshay Ukraina New B7 196 online 2020-07
D24 Anshay Ukraina Old D24 436 online 2020-04
C15 Anshei Ozeroff C15 307 online 2017-12
BdH Baron de Hirsch Community Foundation BdH 53 online 2021-01
U106 Bassarabier U106 931 online 2020-04
D1 Bassarabier New D1 597 online 2020-07
A5a BdH #1 / #2 Extension A5a 62 online 2021-01
A5 BdH #1 Public A5 1012 online 2019-07
A5o BdH #1 Public Original A5o 199 planned 2021?
A3 BdH #2 (Public) A3 911 online 2019-07
E20 BdH #4 E20 119 online 2019-07
E8 BdH #6 E8 114 online 2020-07
E2 BdH HSBA (M) #3 E2 489 online 2020-07
E2A BdH HSBA (S) E2A 3 online 2019-04
A1 BdH Memorial Park A1 2262 online 2017-06
Memorials BdH Memorials Memorials 19 online 2020-07 special
E12 BdH New Memorial Ext. E12 488 online 2019-07
A2 BdH New Memorial Park A2 2082 online 2018-06
B16 Beth Chasidim Stepaner B16 211 online 2020-07
C4 Beth David New C4 793 online 2018-06
C5 Beth David Old C5 466 online 2017-12
B14 Beth Hamedrash Hagodol #1 Old B14 391 online 2019-07
B2 Beth Hamedrash Hagodol #3 New B2 276 online 2020-07
B3 Beth Hamedrash Nusach Hoari New B3 185 online 2020-07
D16 Beth Hamedrash Nusach Hoari Old D16 238 online 2019-04
C14 Beth Israel & Samuel C14 450 online 2018-06
E18 Beth Israel & Samuel Ext. E18 48 online 2019-07
B18 Beth Matesyohu B18 169 online 2020-04
B13 Beth Moishe B13 365 online 2021-01
E4 Beth Yehuda Ext. E4 162 online 2020-07
C2 Beth Yehuda New C2 450 online 2017-12
C3 Beth Yehuda Old C3 413 online 2017-12
U101 Beth Yitzchok U101 447 online 2020-04
U104 Canadian Hebew U104 531 online 2020-04
B5 Canadian HSBA New B5 191 online 2020-07
E24 Chaverim Kol Israel Ext. E24 121 online 2019-07
U103 Chevra Mishnayos U103 484 online 2017-12
E16 Chevra Shaas Ext. E16 294 online 2019-07
C11 Chevra Shaas New C11 604 online 2017-12
C12 Chevra Shaas Old C12 1028 online 2018-06
E22 Dominion #6, Victorian Ext. E22 114 online 2019-07
B26 Dominion HSBA #2 B26 422 online 2020-07
D21 Dominion HSBA #3 D21 263 online 2020-04
E26 Dominion HSBA #4 E26 164 online 2019-07
B6 Dominion HSBA #5 B6 327 online 2020-07
B32 Farband #4 B32 407 online 2020-07
D15 Farband New #3 D15 564 online 2020-07
D20 Farband Old #1 D20 256 online 2020-04
D17 Farband Old #2 D17 1271 online 2020-07
U108 Hadrath Kodesh U108 390 online 2020-04
C6 Hebrew Protective C6 410 online 2017-12
C1a Hebrew Sick (A) #2 C1a 2403 online 2019-07
C1o Hebrew Sick Old C1o 1586 online 2019-07
C1p Hebrew Sick Public C1p 233 online 2019-04
D19 HSBA (B) #4 D19 455 online 2020-07
B34 HSBA (P) #5 B34 369 online 2021-01
B22 Hungarian Hebrew B22 412 online 2020-07
C9 Independent HSBA #1 C9 959 online 2017-12
C10 Independent HSBA #2 C10 781 online 2018-06
E14 Independent HSBA #3 E14 333 online 2019-07
B10 Independent HSBA #4 B10 334 online 2021-01
B8 Independent HSBA #5 B8 344 online 2021-01
D10 Jewish Assistance D10 582 online 2019-04
C7 Kehal Yeshurun Old C7 801 online 2017-12
U107 King George U107 766 online 2020-04
D9 King George New D9 421 online 2020-07
D18 Knesseth Israel D18 246 online 2019-04
C20 Kol Israel, Dominion HSBA #1, Victorian Old C20 495 online 2017-12
C16 Leslie Hore Belisha, Yishitzer YMSBA #2 C16 324 online 2017-12
D6 Machziki Hadat D6 276 online 2020-04
D14 Montifiore Protective D14 592 online 2019-04
U109 Montreal Workers Circle U109 445 online 2020-04
D3 Montreal Workers Circle #1 D3 598 online 2020-07
D7 Montreal Workers Circle #2 D7 463 online 2020-07
D13 Montreal Workers Circle #3 D13 457 online 2020-07
U110 North End Wilkomirer HSBA U110 337 online 2020-04
B9 North End Wilkomirer HSBA #2 B9 332 online 2021-01
B1 North End Wilkomirer HSBA #3 B1 194 online 2020-07
C13 Nusach Hoari Old C13 316 online 2018-06
U105 Pinsker U105 856 online 2020-04
D26 Pinsker #2 D26 303 online 2020-04
B4 Pinsker #3 B4 224 online 2020-07
C23 Poale Zedek #1 C23 309 online 2017-12
B24 Poale Zedek New #2 / BdH Community Found. B24 45 online 2021-01
U112 Russian Polish Hebrew #1 U112 367 online 2020-04
B28 Russian Polish Hebrew #2 B28 780 online 2021-01
B28A Russian Polish Hebrew #3 B28A 435 online 2020-07
D11 Shevet Achim D11 505 online 2020-07
B20 Ship Family Circle B20 139 online 2019-04
D5 Shomrim Laboker #1 New D5 471 online 2020-07
D2 Shomrim Laboker #2 Old D2 865 online 2020-04
B30 Shomrim Laboker #5 B30 52 online 2020-04
D2A Shomrim Laboker Old D2A 359 online 2019-07
D12 Tifereth Israel D12 549 online 2019-04
E30 Tifereth Jerusalem #2 Ext. E30 127 online 2019-07
C21 Tifereth Jerusalem #3 C21 222 online 2018-06
C26 Tifereth Jerusalem Old #1 C26 439 online 2017-12
D22 Tolner / BdH #8 D22 300 online 2020-04
C19 Veterans Field of Remembrance C19 237 online 2016-12
C18 Victorian New C18 547 online 2018-06
C22 Yishitzer YMSBA #1 C22 445 online 2018-06
B8A Young Israel New B8A 34 online 2020-04
D4 Young Israel Old #1 D4 509 online 2020-04
D19 Zeirai Dath Vedaath D19 63 online 2020-04