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Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal
Founded 1995 A member of the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies
We are a group of volunteers, promoting Jewish genealogical research by creating and sharing resources. If you are new to genealogy, see our guide: Getting Started with Jewish Genealogy.
Meetings are held in association with the Jewish Public Library. Guests are welcome at all meetings. Most meetings are held in the Federation CJA Building which also houses the Jewish Public Library, the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre and the Gelber Conference Centre.
Please see our meeting schedule and location details.
Dating back to 1994, we have a Meeting Archive of over 200 presentations.
Starting 2020, some presentations can be viewed on YouTube.
Our free Sunday Morning Family Tree Workshops, held in conjunction with the Jewish Public Library of Montreal, provide society members and the general public with one-on-one research help. Experts answer research questions and do live searching of databases, both online and some exclusive to the Society. Workshops are normally held on the first Sunday of each month from October to June (except when conflicting with Jewish holy days) from 10 am to noon at the Jewish Public Library.
Please see our workshop schedule and location details.
Starting 2020, some workshops can be viewed on YouTube.
JGS of Montreal Sunday Morning Family Tree Workshop
If you are new to genealogical research, check out our guide Getting Started with Jewish Genealogy, or just attend one of our free Sunday Morning Family Tree Workshops.
Many of the research resources used in our workshops have been incorporated into the JGS-Montreal Genealogy Dashboard to allow you to search dozens of resources from one screen. You can start here:
Until we update the research section, you can refer to the well-used content on Genealogical Research.